Is it safe to use Febreze to cover up odors? According to Care2 the Environmental Working Group (EWG)—an American-based non-profit that advocates for health protection—found a whopping 87 chemicals in Febreze! That has major heath effects for people and pets. (Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/exposed-whats-lurking-in-febreze.html#ixzz3N1pFcPO )
Sustainable Baby Steps Also has reviewed and listed many hazards to Febreze.
Before you use Febreze or any other odor masking harmful chemicals Ask yourself if you what to put your health, the health of a loved one, your pets, visitors, etc… in jeopardy by continuing to use air fresheners, candles, etc… that only mask odors for a short period of time and may be harmful. If you answered NO than call No More Odor at: (321) 895-4647
No More Odor utilizes commercial ozone generators that produce “Active Oxygen” ( O3 or Ozone ) to permanently eradicate odors and not cover them up by masking them with potential harmful chemicals.